

CINTESIS – Center for Health Technology and Services Research “is an important Research & Development Unit (R&D) whose mission is to find answers and solutions, in the short term, to relevant health problems, without ever losing sight of the cost-benefit ratio.”
It is hosted at the the University of Porto, and is one of the most important partners of Self Stacked Systems


FEUP – Faculty of Engineering from Porto University “is a globally renowned institution in a variety of areas of Engineering, for students, technicians, researchers and managers, and for innumerable national and international organizations. This is due to the persistent work of its Community and its various partners over many years, overcoming obstacles of various sorts, and always seizing the opportunity to develop. We depend on everyone at FEUP, at the University of Porto, and on our partners to offer better service, to generate new knowledge and to have an economic and social impact.”
It is hosted at the University of Porto, and is one of the most important partners of Self Stacked Systems


ISEP – Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto “One of the top schools of technology in Portugal, ISEP has been pioneering education and research in Engineering since 1852. Our goal is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development, by creating and transmitting applied knowledge. As future engineers, we believe our students can produce creative solutions for present or upcoming challenges, becoming agents of global progress. Along with renowned institutions, such as MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), ISEP is a member of the international consortium CDIO (Conceive – Design – Implement – Operate) and has more than a hundred partnerships within the European Space of Higher Education.” It is hosted at the Polytechnic of Porto, and is one of the most important partners of Self Stacked Systems